Prayer Breakfasts

Join us for a a relaxed and friendly breakfast

We seek to run these 3-4 times a year, with a simple format – a shared continental-style breakfast of croissants with bottomless tea and coffee and the chance to chat and catch up.

There’s a definite buzz, and no one’s short of conversation. After breakfast we have a short talk or ‘thought for the day' from one of the group – nothing too heavy, but an opportunity to focus on our faith and to challenge us.

We then break into small groups for prayer, and there’s also a separate space for quite prayer and reflection.

We want people to feel comfortable, so there's no expectation that people will pray out loud if that’s not their thing. We welcome anyone to join us: to connect, share what’s on our heart, and to pray together for our community and God’s world.

Do look out for dates on the St Mary’s Facebook page. We'd love to see you there!